Project information
- Project Title: Professional Boxing Product
- Client: Countapunch UK
- Project date: March, 2017
Countapunch Product:
The client a retired Professional Boxer wishing to establish a range of sporting goods.
This product is an active training aid for personal and commercial gyms allowing the users to quantify their performance over time in the same way other athletes can with sports watches.
The device would be attached to an existing punchbag or supplied as part of a complete product with a punchbag. It would be rechargeable therefore not trailing wires during use.
The device would count punches. Measuring motion with accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers. It would calculate punch speed, force and momentum of the punch bag. Along with pressure sensors. The data would be transmitted in real time from the punchbag to a tablet or smart phone app which would run training and analysis functions to log performance during training.
Included would be an option for online gaming where the user could compete against other users over the internet either in the same location or remote locations to determine the winner and be listed on the leader board.
The client being a professional boxer would be the target to beat on the leader board for those wishing to try.
The product is currently in worldwide distribution.
Services supplied:
- Electronics design.
- PCB design.
- Firmware development.
- IOS Android APP software development.
- I.O.T communications from system over the internet for remote monitoring.
- Data capture and reporting.
- Gaming development.